Weekly Update 9/18/22 » Weekly Update 10/10/2022

Weekly Update 10/10/2022

Dear Parents,

October 10th through October 14th will be Safety Week at LPA.  During this week our students will learn and practice ways to remain safe during emergencies at school.  This is a perfect opportunity for you to follow up with your children on ways to be safe at home and what your children may expect from you if an emergency happens while they are at school.    

During the week students will learn what to do during a fire, an earthquake, and an emergency evacuation.  Please review the scheduled activities for the week, so you can be prepared to discuss them with your children during the week. We are including some information that you may find helpful for your discussions at home.


  • October 10th – Safety information will be shared with students – Lock Down Procedures Lesson.
  • October 11th – Fire Drill 
  • October 12th –Evacuation Lesson
  • October 13th – Review fire safety at home
  • October 14th – Review earthquake safety at home

We will not be conducting an evacuation drill at this time.  We are including information for you to review so you are familiar with our evacuation process in case of an emergency. 

Please read carefully the section regarding STUDENT/PARENT REUNIFICATION.  This is a process we have used in the past and follows the national standard of parental reunification. We want our parents to learn what will happen during a true emergency and this allows us the opportunity to practice without emotions being involved.  Most importantly, we want you to understand that your child’s safety is our number one concern.  We truly appreciate our parent support, patience, and understanding as we work together to improve this process. 

This process will take time once you arrive at the school so please plan accordingly.  Remember to be patient and understanding. 

The school will send a district notification notifying parents of the evacuation. 

Important Items to Note:

  • You must have your identification with you.
  • Anyone picking up a student must be listed as an emergency contact – even if they are the normal carpool pick-up. Please keep contacts updated in Aspire. 
  • Daycare buses will not operate during evacuations so please plan on picking up your children.


Circumstances may occur at the school that requires parents to pick up their students in a formalized, controlled release.  This process is called a Reunification and may be necessary due to weather, a power outage, hazmat, or if a crisis occurs at the school.  The Standard Reunification Method is a protocol that makes this process more predictable and less chaotic for all involved.

Because a reunification is not a typical end-of-school day event, a reunification may occur at a different location than the school a student attends.  If this location is at another school, then those students may be subject to a controlled release as well.


Parents may be notified in a number of ways.  The school may use its school wide email system, text message system, social media, or calling trees.  In some cases, students may be asked to send a text message to their parents.  A reunification text message from a student may look something like this: “The school has closed, please pick me up at 3:25 at the main entrance.  Bring your ID.”


If a parent or guardian is notified that reunification is needed, there are some expectations that parents or guardians should be aware of. 

  • First, bring identification.  That will streamline things during reunification.  
  • Second, be patient.  Reunification is a process that protects both the safety of the student and provides for an accountable change of custody from the school to a recognized custodial parent or guardian.


When a parent can’t immediately go to the reunification site, students will only be released to individuals previously identified as a student’s emergency contact.  Otherwise, the school will hold students until parents can pick them up.


For students, the school asks that students be orderly and quiet while waiting.  Students may be asked to text a message to their parents or guardians.  Students are also asked not to send other text messages either in or out of the school or reunification area.  Keeping cellular network usage at a minimum may be important during a reunification.


For parents, there are a couple of steps.  

  • If a parent is driving to the school, greater awareness of traffic and emergency vehicles is advised.  
  • Parents should park where indicated and not abandon vehicles.  
  • Parents are asked to go to the Reunification “Request Gate” area and form lines as directed by the staff and signs.  
  • While in line, parents are asked to fill out the top section of the Student Release/Runner Form.  This is how the school will verify you are authorized to pick up the requested students.  This form will be completed during the reunification process and when your student is brought to you at the Release Gate the staff member will again verify your identification and have you sign the Student Release/Runner Form confirming you have picked up your student.

In the case of multiple students being reunified, a separate line for each student needs to be completed.


During check-in, identification and custody rights are confirmed.  The Student Release/Runner form is then given to a staff member to complete as they collect the student from the Holding Area and bring them to you at the Release Gate.

From the “Request Gate” area parents are directed to the “Release Gate” area to wait. 

Parents should be aware that in some cases, they may be invited into the building for further information.


In some cases, parents may be advised that a law enforcement investigation is underway and may be advised that interviews are necessary.  In extreme cases, parents may be pulled aside for an emergency or medical information.


  • Have a home fire escape plan and practice it at least twice per year. Don’t forget to include a designated meeting spot.
  • Install and/or test smoke alarms at least monthly replacing batteries once a year. Replace any smoke alarm that is more than 10 years old.
  • Give space heaters space – keep them at least three feet from anything that can burn. Do not use space heaters when you leave or while sleeping.
  • Be careful using candles – keep candles at least one foot from anything that can burn. Blow candles out when you leave the room or go to sleep.
  • Keep matches and lighters out of reach.
  • Watch your cooking – stay in the kitchen when you are frying, grilling, or broiling food. If you must leave, even for a short time, turn off the stove.
  • Smoke outside – ask smokers to smoke outside. Have sturdy deep ashtrays for smokers.


Please refer to the flyers attached for your convenience.

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