In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). AHERA is a provision of the Toxic Substances Control Act. It requires that local education agencies (LEA) such as Legacy Preparatory Academy inspect for asbestos-containing building materials, prepare and maintain up-to-date AHERA Management Plans, and notify occupants of the plan yearly. All of this is to prevent the exposure of asbestos to the occupants of our school buildings.
Legacy Preparatory Academy’s AHERA Management Plan is available for review by clicking on the links below and has been submitted to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Air Quality.
Legacy Preparatory Academy is committed to making https:/ compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). At this time we recognize that not all areas of our website may be ADA-compliant. We are currently in the process of enhancing website content to be compliant with the W3C Level Two guidelines.
Legacy Preparatory Academy is committed to providing access to all website content, services, and transactions to all individuals seeking information from our website. Any individual unable to access any content within this site is strongly encouraged to report the problem to the contact listed below, for assistance in obtaining the information, and to allow for correction of the problem for other users. To enable us to respond in a manner most helpful, please indicate the nature of your accessibility problem, the preferred format in which to receive the material, the name of the document (if applicable), the website address of the requested material, and your contact information.
Please direct all concerns and/or questions about our web accessibility policy to:
Legacy Preparatory Academy
Attention: Brandie Evans
2214 South 1250 West
Woods Cross, UT 84087
Phone: (801) 294-2801
About Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF) files: Legacy Preparatory Academy Academy is unable to provide alternate text or HTML versions for many of the documents that appear on the website in PDF format. However, it is our intent to make PDF files Section 508 compliant where applicable and possible. We will work with any individual submitting their concern to the contact above to provide any web document or information in an alternate format.
The school charter documents detail our program of instruction and school goals.
FERPA stands for the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This law protects the privacy of student education records from Kindergarten through graduate school.
Legacy Preparatory Academy recognizes that some families may face financial hardships and may need assistance with school-related fees. As part of our commitment to providing equitable access to education, we offer a fee waiver program for eligible students.
Eligibility Criteria:
Fee Waiver Process:
Parents or guardians must complete a Fee Waiver Application Form and submit it to the school office each year.
The school will review the application and notify the family of their eligibility status.
If approved, the family will receive a waiver for the specified fees.
To appeal a decision, please see the fee waiver policy.
Covered Fees:
The fee waiver applies to all school-related fees; curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular.
Reduced/Free school lunch applications are separate and can be found in Lunch Policies & Applications section.
All fee waiver applications and related information are kept confidential.
For additional information, please contact the front office at 801-294-2801.
For all other FNS nutrition assistance programs, state or local agencies, and their sub recipients, must post the following Nondiscrimination Statement:
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Program information may be made available in languages other than English. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language), should contact the responsible state or local agency that administers the program or USDA’s TARGET Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339.
To file a program discrimination complaint, a Complainant should complete a Form AD-3027, USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form which can be obtained online at:, from any USDA office, by calling (866) 632-9992, or by writing a letter addressed to USDA. The letter must contain the complainant’s name, address, telephone number, and a written description of the alleged discriminatory action in sufficient detail to inform the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights (ASCR) about the nature and date of an alleged civil rights violation. The completed AD-3027 form or letter must be submitted to USDA by:
This institution is an equal opportunity provider.
Child Find Notice
Federal law mandates the provision of free educational programs and/or services for persons with disabilities between the ages of birth and twenty-one. If a child is having significant difficulty with vision, speech, hearing, behavior, and is experiencing slow development untypical for his/her age, physical impairments, or learning difficulty, he/she may be a child with a disability. If you know of any child whom you feel might qualify for these services, including students suspected of having a disability even though they are advancing from grade to grade, in a private school, homeless or migrant, please contact the School Principals at 801-294-2801. Or the Special Education Director, 801-0294-2801, ext. 2116.
The following notices are provided to parents annually during the registration process. To request a written copy of any of the following notices please email your request to:
Welcome to our school's Policies and Procedures section! Here, you'll find important information about how we operate, including rules, guidelines, and processes that help ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these policies and procedures, as they are designed to benefit our entire school community.
Legacy Preparatory students participate in all state testing, Our school report card and test results are posted on the USBE website.
Legacy Preparatory Academy is committed to empowering students with disabilities to learn and achieve at their highest capabilities in the least restrictive environment. LPA has budgeted for a certified special education teacher responsible for:
Additionally, LPA will seek required services (e.g. Speech, Occupational Therapy) through job sharing and other contractual arrangements. LPA will provide all services required by a student’s IEP.
Legacy Preparatory Academy will comply with all federal special education laws as referenced in IDEA 97 and will follow all state requirements as found in the USOE Special Education Rules, The Golden Rules.
Legacy Preparatory Academy, in providing for the education of students with disabilities enrolled in its school, has policies, procedures, and programs that are in effect and consistent with the Utah State Board of Education Special Education Rules (USBE SER) as described in this Policies and Procedures Manual.
On June 1, 2024, Legacy Preparatory Academy will destroy special education records of students born prior to June 1999. Former special education students who are 25 years old may request their records from the school; otherwise, the records will be destroyed.
Legacy Preparatory Academy’s Special Education Department is attempting identify all children with disabilities who are currently enrolled at the school.
If a child is having significant difficulty with vision, hearing, speech and/or behavior or is experiencing slow development atypical for his/her age, physical impairments or learning difficulty then he/she may be a child with a disability. Disabilities that could interfere with education include: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disabilities, communication disorders, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment. Federal law mandates the provision of free educational programs and/or services for such persons.
If you know of a current LPA student who might qualify for Special Education services, including a student suspected of having a disability even though he/she is advancing from grade to grade, please contact LPA’s Special Education Department by email.
If you are the parent of a child with an IEP enrolled in a public school, the district is required by Utah Code Section 53A-1a-704 (10) to inform you of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Scholarship Program.
New Design-Build Construction | November 19- December 10, 2024
Legacy Preparatory Academy (LPA) is currently accepting RFP responses for Design-Build Construction. Proposals may be submitted via email to Brandie Evans at The submission window is from November 19, 2024, through December 10, 2024, at 2:00 pm. For further details, please contact Brandie Evans directly.
Educator Licensing Requirements
Legacy Preparatory Academy employs individuals holding LEA-specific educator licenses, license areas, or endorsements in accordance with Utah Admin. Code R277-301-7.
The following designations or levels apply to educator licenses, license areas (i.e.-elementary, secondary, special education), and content endorsements (i.e.-mathematics, music, Spanish, social studies).
Professional: The educator has completed an educator preparation program that includes content and pedagogical knowledge. This program may have been completed at a university or in an alternate pathway that was supported by school districts/charters and the Utah State Board of Education.
Associate: The educator is currently completing an educator preparation program, but has not yet completed all requirements for a Professional Educator License, license area, or endorsement. The educator is enrolled in a university-based or Local Education Agency (LEA)-based program. When the educator completes the program, they will have a professional level.
LEA-Specific: The educator has not completed an educator preparation and is not currently enrolled in one.
The percentages of license types are:
· Professional 73.22%
· Associate 6.49%
· LEA Specific 19.48%
· Not Qualified 0.81%
Additional information on educator licensing can be found at:
LPA will be using the Core Knowledge Sequence. This Sequence contains detailed information to ensure that teachers know by grade and content level what must be taught and when. Furthermore, The Core Knowledge Sequence has been mapped and aligned with State Core Standards. All other curricular programs have been reviewed and found to meet or exceed state standards. Additionally, the Director will hold responsibility for the alignment of the school’s curriculum and state standards through observation, curriculum assessment, and staff development meetings.
Recognizing the importance of students becoming proficient in reading, writing, and math skills, assessments will be woven into each subject matter on a regular basis. Pre-assessments are a vital component of measuring individual student growth. In addition to the pre-assessment tool, the Saxon math program has weekly assessments that identify collective and individual skill level mastery as well as end-of-unit and summative assessments at the end of the year.
A benchmark tool will be used as an accurate indicator of skill level proficiency for aiding in placing students in their ―fluid‖ groups and for assisting the teacher in determining areas of emphasis in instruction for the classroom. Progress monitoring tools will be used three times a year as a means of monitoring student achievement in reading. This will be reviewed and recorded in each student’s file and database for future progress and student improvement plans.
The Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills (DIBELS) are a set of standardized, individually administered measures of early literacy development. They are designed to be short fluency measures used to regularly monitor the development of pre-reading and early reading skills. This method has been approved and found effective in monitoring student development and will be used as a monitoring tool at LPA.
Third and fifth-grade students at LPA will participate in the ITBS testing in the fall, the sixth and ninth-grade students will participate in the State Writing Assessment in the early spring, and all grades will participate in the State CRT in language arts, math, science, and history (as it is developed). Baseline data will be compiled and disaggregated and compared with LPA goals as well as State baseline goals for the 2007 school year. Strands of strengths and weakness in addressing the State Standards will be determined and results will be used on an ongoing basis to align and strengthen curriculum and focus on explicit skill level concerns.
Teachers will be provided with a packet containing curricular emphasis and effectiveness goals. Training will be given to ensure understanding.
The administrator will observe classroom time, utilize staff meetings, and review testing through program monitoring tools to ensure state standard alignment. Furthermore, test results from standardized testing may be used as an appropriate indicator of alignment and knowledge obtained.
Title IX and Legacy Preparatory Academy prohibit sexual harassment at school or at school-related activities or events. All allegations of sexual harassment are taken seriously and will be reviewed by the Legacy Preparatory Academy's Title IX Coordinator. If you believe you have been subjected to sexual harassment in violation of Title IX and Civil Rights Policy, please complete this form. Your responses will be sent to Brandie Evans, Title IX Coordinator. Brandie can be contacted by phone at (801) 294-2801 ext. 2115 or by email at You may also contact the Office for Civil Rights, Denver, CO, (303) 844-5695.
File A Formal Title IX Complaint
Title IX Athletics Reporting
Legacy Preparatory Academy complies with Utah Code Section 53G-6-1101 by posting the Title IX Athletics Report annually. This report ensures transparency and accountability in our athletic programs.
Title IX Athletics Report - - - COMING MARCH 2025
Non-Discrimination Policy
No Legacy Preparatory Academy (LPA) employee or student shall be subjected to discrimination in employment or any LPA program or activity on the basis of age, color, disability, gender, gender identity, genetic information, national origin, pregnancy, race, religion, sexual orientation, or veteran status. Legacy Preparatory Academy is committed to providing equal access and equal opportunity in its programs, services and employment including its policies, complaint processes, program accessibility, district facility use, accommodations and other Equal Employment Opportunity matters.
Non Discrimination Notice (R277-472-6 & R277-551-5) with Title IX Coordinator & Training Materials (34 C.F.R. 106.45 (b)(10)(i)(d))