About Us » Policies and Procedures

Policies and Procedures


The school charter documents detail our program of instruction and school goals.


Articles of Incorporation


Charter Application

Charter School Agreement

Charter Amendment




Welcome to our school's Policies and Procedures section! Here, you'll find important information about how we operate, including rules, guidelines, and processes that help ensure a safe and productive learning environment for everyone. Please take some time to familiarize yourself with these policies and procedures, as they are designed to benefit our entire school community.


Legacy Preparatory Academy Board Policy Manual

Legacy Preparatory Academy Parent-Student Manual

Legacy Preparatory Academy Special Education Policy and Procedures Manual

Legacy Preparatory Academy Employee Manual




Legacy Preparatory Academy recognizes that some families may face financial hardships and may need assistance with school-related fees. As part of our commitment to providing equitable access to education, we offer a fee waiver program for eligible students.


Eligibility Criteria:

- 2024/2025 Fee Schedule

- Please see the Fee Waiver Policy.



Fee Waiver Process:

Parents or guardians must complete a Fee Waiver Application Form and submit it to the school office each year.

The school will review the application and notify the family of their eligibility status.

If approved, the family will receive a waiver for the specified fees.

To appeal a decision, please see the fee waiver policy.


Covered Fees:

The fee waiver applies to all school-related fees; curricular, co-curricular, and extra-curricular.

Reduced/Free school lunch applications are separate and can be found here.




All fee waiver applications and related information are kept confidential.


For additional information, please contact the front office at 801-294-2801.





Privacy Policy Statement


Notice of Nondiscrimination


Notice to Parents Regarding Withdrawing from School


Student Data Collection Notice


Parental Rights to Academic Accommodations


In 1986, Congress passed the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). AHERA is a provision of the Toxic Substances Control Act. It requires that local education agencies (LEA) such as Legacy Preparatory Academy inspect for asbestos-containing building materials, prepare and maintain up-to-date AHERA Management Plans, and notify occupants of the plan yearly. All of this is to prevent the exposure of asbestos to the occupants of our school buildings.


Legacy Preparatory Academy’s AHERA Management Plan is available for review by clicking on the links below and has been submitted to the Utah Department of Environmental Quality/Division of Air Quality.


AHERA Management Plan for Legacy Preparatory Academy

Asbestos Management Plan


The following notices are provided to parents annually during the registration process. To request a written copy of any of the following notices please email your request to: [email protected]
Welcome Letter
Annual Agreement
Parent-Student Handbook
Parent-School Learning Compact
Network Acceptable Use Agreement 
Concussion and Head Injury Procedures
Student Conduct and Discipline Procedure
Locker Agreement
Notice of Discrimniation
Family Education Rights and Privacy Act Notice of Directory Information
Notification of Rights Under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act
Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA)
Notice to Parents Regarding Withdrawing from School
Parental Rights to Academic Accomodations
Student Data Collection Notice
Administration of Medication Policy
Attendance Policy
Bullying and Hazing Policy
Civil Rights Policy
Electronic Resources Policy
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
Religion and Education Policy
Hearing & Vision Screenings
School Fees Notice



FERPA stands for the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974. This law protects the privacy of student education records from Kindergarten through graduate school.


Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act Notice of Directory Information


Notification of Rights Under Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act


Notification of Rights Under the Protection of Pupil Rights Amendment (PPRA) Utah FERPA




Legacy Preparatory Academy participates in the Utah Student Data Privacy Alliance (USPA). The USPA is a collaboration of the Utah State Board of Education and Local Education Agencies that share common concerns around student privacy. The goal of USPA is to set standards of both practice and expectations around student privacy such as that all parties involved have a common understanding of expectations. 


Metadata Dictiontionary 




Legacy Preparatory students participate in all state testing, Our school report card and test results are posted on the USBE website.






Child Find Notice

Legacy Preparatory Academy’s Special Education Department is attempting identify all children with disabilities who are currently enrolled at the school.

If a child is having significant difficulty with vision, hearing, speech and/or behavior or is experiencing slow development atypical for his/her age, physical impairments or learning difficulty then he/she may be a child with a disability. Disabilities that could interfere with education include: autism, deaf-blindness, deafness, emotional disturbance, hearing impairment, intellectual disabilities, multiple disabilities, orthopedic impairment, specific learning disabilities, communication disorders, traumatic brain injury and visual impairment. Federal law mandates the provision of free educational programs and/or services for such persons.

If you know of a current LPA student who might qualify for Special Education services, including a student suspected of having a disability even though he/she is advancing from grade to grade, please contact LPA’s Special Education Department by email.


Carson Smith Scholarship Program

If you are the parent of a child with an IEP enrolled in a public school, the district is required by Utah Code Section 53A-1a-704 (10) to inform you of the availability of a scholarship to attend a private school through the Carson Smith Scholarship Program.


Legacy Preparatory Academy has no open Request For Proposals (RFP).